life sciences

Distributed App for Tracking Patient Symptoms 

Developed pioneering system to track symptoms of patients from device sensors. Create detailed, interactive charts and statistical analyses for clinicians based on patient symptoms. Developed advanced visualizations in PDF as patient sheets to be read by practitioners.

Computational Medicine Discovery Platform

Created UX and commerce platforms for an early-stage drug discovery company focused on computational medicine. Worked with C-suite on product strategy and implications on product development and engineering.

Online Fitness and Nutrition App

Developed and deployed collaborative system to manage company employees' diet and workout plans. Corporations subscribing to Channelfit can offer access to the system as a health benefit to their employees. Employees receive personalized workout and diet regimens based on a rich database of exercise and food items. Fitness and nutrition experts use a web interface to maintain the content of the system. WebApp on Unix. Application used by employees of Fortune-500 companies, and as part of Pfizer’s Lipitor website.